quiz section class
Related Indexed : www.publiklampung.com Lecture Indexed : www.ariesetyaputra.com the quiz section class contains: PROCEDURES AND PROCEDURES FOR OBTAINING PATENT RIGHTS FOR ULTRASONIC WAIST INVENTION AS A TUNANETRA ASSISTANCE TOOL Abstract There have been many mobility tools created for blind people as users, but few have more complex functions in detecting objects or obstacles both in front of and beside users when doing their mobility. This is because the sensor has not been applied as an object detector in a more optimum distance and range, and has not been developed in a more efficient and more fashionable manner for users. output design in the form of vibration and sound with a range of 3 cm to 3 m. From the measurement results it was found that the output voltage of the PING and SRF05 sensors was directly proportional to the increase in the detection distance of the object and the two sensors requiring a reflection time of 74 ms and 91 ms for...